the fatest graffiti

在西班牙什麼希奇事都有 除了他們在20-30年代有段時間在急速的發展資本主義後 對佔屋的大力打伐後 出現了一群一個晚上就可以蓋好一棟房子的天材型運動外

他們的塗鴉者 (俗稱寫手) 在Metro裡大玩起不怕死的轟炸(bombing)

在馬德理有兩種subway一種叫Tram(拼法?)一種叫Metro 基本上Tram走的路線比較長 Metro都是在城市裡的 在西班牙的車站裡做自己工作的人就是很”安份的”做自己的工作 他們不會躍舉 因為不想多管閒事 所以我們可以在站管人員當班的時候 直接從進入口跳入 他們不會有任何反應 唯一會管事的”metor security”而這個security管的事可多 你不一定要坐車不付錢才會被罰 你連長的看起來像安那其主義者 你都可能會討皮肉疼 據一個女性朋友說 他的一個朋友就是因為看起來一付安那其主義者的樣子 一天她坐車時遇到整車箱都沒人 上來了一個metro security跟著他指控這個女生破壞車箱的窗戶 把她壓在地版 全身上下都給她摸遍了 大笑幾聲 說要放過她 這個女生氣的踢了他的屁股後趕快跑走 所以西班牙只要你說ACAB大家都會笑笑點頭說YES…

在Metro流傳著寫手的一個挑戰遊戲 他們派了一個人在進subway要開動時拉車門上方的La Alarma 整個車就會馬上停止 一群的寫手衝上前去 開始轟炸 他們快閃的速度通常可贏過Security聚集的速度(這我已經見識過)  當然這不是常有的事 但是據說你只要幹過一次 你在塗鴉界就紅了呢

我在義大利幹過兩次 所以我想我應該非常紅了 只是我自己還不知道而已(呵)

在西班牙有一個叫做Ink的Writer我從北到南都看到他的名自 Metro Trem和bus 上的玻璃都刻滿他的名字 若是有去西班牙的你應該就知道了 還有當你看到Security的時候 請不要跟他們單獨進入車箱 在他們Security身上的配槍上 都席用著過去佛朗哥時候西班牙國旗上那個圖像 spanish metro security = fascist



DIY Workshop -Media Activist and Direct Action

相對於台灣的行為造勢的規模與訴求背後 的使命,由破報所主辦,世新大學新聞系、獨立媒體有限公司協辦,台北市政府文化局贊助的《DIY Workshop -Media Activist and Direct Action》提供了更多關於社會行動者的參考案例

感覺我做DIY workshop和搞Direct Action行動弄了十幾年還沒看過這麼大的陣仗 而且去了兩天完全沒發現他是個DIY workshop, 一開始是以為他的中文是說”亞洲獨立媒體工作者工作坊”但事實上比較像個研討會

不過在台灣你要學的東西還多著呢 不管是塗鴉文化 直接行動 DIY文化 你應該要把過去所知的一切拋棄 而且永遠都不要想把你街頭那套DIY拿到我們眼錢晃 那只是顯示你的無知 跟沒受過教育 因為無形的手(台灣特產)是無所不在的 這不知道跟我們有個有錢的大老闆(The State)有沒有關係???


City Tribe – Sanying

another city tribe is facing eviction. I need time to rewrite this in english.

The dead line of the eviction was 2/14th. And it changed to 2/28th, where the government want to show us again what is the true meaning of the human rights and justice in Taiwan.

If you read chinese, please come here.

If you dont, but you are very interested to know about what is happening, please contact the people directly from the blog.

URGENT- Moscow antifascist stabbed, needs help!

(sorry, I haven’t had time to comfirm if this news is correct, so before you do anything, do a search yourself)

source 1   source2  source3

Antifascist in Moscow stabbed by Nazis. Needs Your help!!!

(please repost this anywhere you can! It’s extremely important – we still
can safe his life)

On February 14th an antifascist activist was heavily wounded in Moscow by
nazi scum. Now he is in hospital in a critical state and needs money for
serious treatment.

This St Valentine’s day sexual minorities of Moscow were planning to have
a little procession on one of the central squares of the city. But before
the event it was heard that nazi boneheads were planning to ambush the
parade. Representatives of sexual minorities rights comunity called for
help from Moscow antifascists.

On the day of the event a big mob of nazis indeed showed up at the place
of the procession. But instead of gays and lesbians a crowd of about 50
antifascist skinheads and punks appeared at the square and shooed the
nazis away. After this the parade commenced, covered by antifascist

But the Nazis managed to regroup and attacked one of the antifascist
skinhead, who was cut off from the main force.. The guy was beat up and
stabbed heavily and ended up in the intensive care unit in hospital.

His life is still in extreme danger now. Doctors say that even at the best
he could stay in hospital for several months.

You can send money through WebMoney:

Z260630952047 (dollars)
R321197368781 (Russian Rubles)
E311886845482 (Euro)

After you send the money – please, send a notification about the transfer
to this address:

Thank you!!!

美屠宰廠虐牛 下令回收牛肉




